We’re pretty certain that you have seen thousands of posts that tell you how to increase productivity at work, but these 3 tips will save your LIFE.
1) Make a list and use it as a planning system so it aids you in managing your priorities and your energy, not just your time
– Get everything out of your head and onto a planner
– Not only list your tasks, but categorize them! Into…
> A: I can’t go home till this is done
> B: I would like to complete this by today
> C: If everything goes better than planned & I’m not interrupted, I’ll do this
Remember though, planning is great, but always be realistic.
2) Get off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest (or whatever other social media)
Social media can be a really fun break to go zone out and scroll through lots of juicy content and pictures every once in a while, but Social media can be a huge time eater. One moment you’re scrolling and the next moment an hour is gone. If you’ve something important to do, stay away from these time eaters, alternatively, set a timer before indulging in the world of social media.
While this does not directly relate to time management tips, it has everything to do with managing your energy. Many working adults have developed a warped perception of how much work should or can be accomplished in an 8 hour work day. From that, the temptation is often to push a little harder, which means staying at work a little later, and get that one more thing done, when in reality, there is always much more to do.
Learn to stop yourself, punch out at 5 (or whatever time you should) and give yourself ample time for family, friends and most importantly, yourself.
Credits: www.ithinkwecouldbefriends.com & www.thesproutingseed.com